The strength of the Motus WTS network stems from its collaborative nature, as infrastructure and data is shared across all projects.  While our project’s focus is on developing infrastructure, this is only one half of the equation.  Active research projects using nanotag technology are what put the array to work by furthering knowledge of vulnerable species and informing conservation.

These are some of the tagging projects supported by our current USFWS grant, as well as by collaboration members and partners. Explore all research projects using the Motus WTS here.

Amanda Bebel - University of Pennsylvania 

Wood Thrush habitat use during post-breeding dispersal in a southeastern Pennsylvania woodland

Amber Roth - University of Maine

Bicknell's Thrush post-breeding and migration ecology

Carol Foss - Audubon Society of New Hampshire

Migratory routes, stopover sites and wintering areas of Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) 

Joseph Johnson - Ohio State University

Autumn movements of Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis)

Luke DeGroote - Powdermill Avian Research Center

Long-term migratory movements and effects of bird window collisions on two SGCN: Wood Thrush and American Woodcock


Susan Pagano & Andrea Patterson - Braddock Bay Bird Observatory

Assessing departure decisions during autumn stopover by a boreal passerine of conservation concern


Scott McWilliams - University of Rhode Island

Assessing how body condition influences habitat use, movements and phenology of migrant songbirds

David Yeany - Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 

Hemlock forest habitat use and migratory movements of Swainson’s Thrush in Pennsylvania

Patti Barber - Pennsylvania Game Commission

Tracking juvenile Peregrine Falcons to assess movement throughout Pennsylvania